11.2 The epub:type attribute

For epub3 output, you can mark up the heading that corresponds to an EPUB chapter using the epub:type attribute. For example, to set the attribute to the value prologue, use this markdown:

# My chapter {epub:type=prologue}

Which will result in:

<body epub:type="frontmatter">
  <section epub:type="prologue">
    <h1>My chapter</h1>

Pandoc will output <body epub:type="bodymatter">, unless you use one of the following values, in which case either frontmatter or backmatter will be output.

epub:type of first section epub:type of body
prologue frontmatter
abstract frontmatter
acknowledgments frontmatter
copyright-page frontmatter
dedication frontmatter
credits frontmatter
keywords frontmatter
imprint frontmatter
contributors frontmatter
other-credits frontmatter
errata frontmatter
revision-history frontmatter
titlepage frontmatter
halftitlepage frontmatter
seriespage frontmatter
foreword frontmatter
preface frontmatter
frontispiece frontmatter
appendix backmatter
colophon backmatter
bibliography backmatter
index backmatter