3.6 Math rendering in HTML

The default is to render TeX math as far as possible using Unicode characters. Formulas are put inside a span with class="math", so that they may be styled differently from the surrounding text if needed. However, this gives acceptable results only for basic math, usually you will want to use --mathjax or another of the following options.


Use MathJax to display embedded TeX math in HTML output. TeX math will be put between \(...\) (for inline math) or \[...\] (for display math) and wrapped in <span> tags with class math. Then the MathJax JavaScript will render it. The URL should point to the MathJax.js load script. If a URL is not provided, a link to the Cloudflare CDN will be inserted.


Convert TeX math to MathML (in epub3, docbook4, docbook5, jats, html4 and html5). This is the default in odt output. Note that currently only Firefox and Safari (and select e-book readers) natively support MathML.


Convert TeX formulas to <img> tags that link to an external script that converts formulas to images. The formula will be URL-encoded and concatenated with the URL provided. For SVG images you can for example use --webtex https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?. If no URL is specified, the CodeCogs URL generating PNGs will be used (https://latex.codecogs.com/png.latex?). Note: the --webtex option will affect Markdown output as well as HTML, which is useful if you’re targeting a version of Markdown without native math support.


Use KaTeX to display embedded TeX math in HTML output. The URL is the base URL for the KaTeX library. That directory should contain a katex.min.js and a katex.min.css file. If a URL is not provided, a link to the KaTeX CDN will be inserted.


Enclose TeX math in <eq> tags in HTML output. The resulting HTML can then be processed by GladTeX to produce SVG images of the typeset formulas and an HTML file with these images embedded.

pandoc -s --gladtex input.md -o myfile.htex
gladtex -d image_dir myfile.htex
# produces myfile.html and images in image_dir