5.2 Reader options

command line defaults file
--shift-heading-level-by -1
shift-heading-level-by: -1
--indented-code-classes python
  - python
--default-image-extension ".jpg"
default-image-extension: '.jpg'
file-scope: true
--filter pandoc-citeproc \
 --lua-filter count-words.lua \
 --filter special.lua

  - pandoc-citeproc
  - count-words.lua
  - type: json
    path: special.lua
--metadata key=value \
 --metadata key2
  key: value
  key2: true
--metadata-file meta.yaml
  - meta.yaml
metadata-file: meta.yaml
preserve-tabs: true
--tab-stop 8
tab-stop: 8
--track-changes accept
track-changes: accept
--extract-media dir
extract-media: dir
--abbreviations abbrevs.txt
abbreviations: abbrevs.txt
trace: true

Metadata values specified in a defaults file are parsed as literal string text, not Markdown.

Filters will be assumed to be Lua filters if they have the .lua extension, and JSON filters otherwise. But the filter type can also be specified explicitly, as shown. Filters are run in the order specified. To include the built-in citeproc filter, use either citeproc or {type: citeproc}.