8.20 Citation syntax

8.20.1 Extension: citations

To cite a bibliographic item with an identifier foo, use the syntax @foo. Normal citations should be included in square brackets, with semicolons separating distinct items:

Blah blah [@doe99; @smith2000; @smith2004].

How this is rendered depends on the citation style. In an author-date style, it might render as

Blah blah (Doe 1999, Smith 2000, 2004).

In a footnote style, it might render as

Blah blah.[^1]

[^1]:  John Doe, "Frogs," *Journal of Amphibians* 44 (1999);
Susan Smith, "Flies," *Journal of Insects* (2000);
Susan Smith, "Bees," *Journal of Insects* (2004).

See the CSL user documentation for more information about CSL styles and how they affect rendering.

Unless a citation key starts with a letter, digit, or _, and contains only alphanumerics and single internal punctuation characters (:.#$%&-+?<>~/), it must be surrounded by curly braces, which are not considered part of the key. In @Foo_bar.baz., the key is Foo_bar.baz because the final period is not internal punctuation, so it is not included in the key. In @{Foo_bar.baz.}, the key is Foo_bar.baz., including the final period. In @Foo_bar--baz, the key is Foo_bar because the repeated internal punctuation characters terminate the key. The curly braces are recommended if you use URLs as keys: [@{https://example.com/bib?name=foobar&date=2000}, p. 33].

Citation items may optionally include a prefix, a locator, and a suffix. In

Blah blah [see @doe99, pp. 33-35 and *passim*; @smith04, chap. 1].

the first item (doe99) has prefix see, locator pp. 33-35, and suffix and *passim*. The second item (smith04) has locator chap. 1 and no prefix or suffix.

Pandoc uses some heuristics to separate the locator from the rest of the subject. It is sensitive to the locator terms defined in the CSL locale files. Either abbreviated or unabbreviated forms are accepted. In the en-US locale, locator terms can be written in either singular or plural forms, as book, bk./bks.; chapter, chap./chaps.; column, col./cols.; figure, fig./figs.; folio, fol./fols.; number, no./nos.; line, l./ll.; note, n./nn.; opus, op./opp.; page, p./pp.; paragraph, para./paras.; part, pt./pts.; section, sec./secs.; sub verbo, s.v./s.vv.; verse, v./vv.; volume, vol./vols.; /¶¶; §/§§. If no locator term is used, “page” is assumed.

In complex cases, you can force something to be treated as a locator by enclosing it in curly braces or prevent parsing the suffix as locator by prepending curly braces:

[@smith{ii, A, D-Z}, with a suffix]
[@smith, {pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)} with suffix here]
[@smith{}, 99 years later]

A minus sign (-) before the @ will suppress mention of the author in the citation. This can be useful when the author is already mentioned in the text:

Smith says blah [-@smith04].

You can also write an author-in-text citation, by omitting the square brackets:

@smith04 says blah.

@smith04 [p. 33] says blah.

This will cause the author’s name to be rendered, followed by the bibliographical details. Use this form when you want to make the citation the subject of a sentence.

When you are using a note style, it is usually better to let citeproc create the footnotes from citations rather than writing an explicit note. If you do write an explicit note that contains a citation, note that normal citations will be put in parentheses, while author-in-text citations will not. For this reason, it is sometimes preferable to use the author-in-text style inside notes when using a note style.