8.5 Verbatim (code) blocks

8.5.1 Indented code blocks

A block of text indented four spaces (or one tab) is treated as verbatim text: that is, special characters do not trigger special formatting, and all spaces and line breaks are preserved. For example,

    if (a > 3) {
      moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

The initial (four space or one tab) indentation is not considered part of the verbatim text, and is removed in the output.

Note: blank lines in the verbatim text need not begin with four spaces.

8.5.2 Fenced code blocks Extension: fenced_code_blocks

In addition to standard indented code blocks, pandoc supports fenced code blocks. These begin with a row of three or more tildes (~) and end with a row of tildes that must be at least as long as the starting row. Everything between these lines is treated as code. No indentation is necessary:

if (a > 3) {
  moveShip(5 * gravity, DOWN);

Like regular code blocks, fenced code blocks must be separated from surrounding text by blank lines.

If the code itself contains a row of tildes or backticks, just use a longer row of tildes or backticks at the start and end:

code including tildes
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Extension: backtick_code_blocks

Same as fenced_code_blocks, but uses backticks (`) instead of tildes (~). Extension: fenced_code_attributes

Optionally, you may attach attributes to fenced or backtick code block using this syntax:

~~~~ {#mycode .haskell .numberLines startFrom="100"}
qsort []     = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++
               qsort (filter (>= x) xs)

Here mycode is an identifier, haskell and numberLines are classes, and startFrom is an attribute with value 100. Some output formats can use this information to do syntax highlighting. Currently, the only output formats that use this information are HTML, LaTeX, Docx, Ms, and PowerPoint. If highlighting is supported for your output format and language, then the code block above will appear highlighted, with numbered lines. (To see which languages are supported, type pandoc --list-highlight-languages.) Otherwise, the code block above will appear as follows:

<pre id="mycode" class="haskell numberLines" startFrom="100">

The numberLines (or number-lines) class will cause the lines of the code block to be numbered, starting with 1 or the value of the startFrom attribute. The lineAnchors (or line-anchors) class will cause the lines to be clickable anchors in HTML output.

A shortcut form can also be used for specifying the language of the code block:

qsort [] = []

This is equivalent to:

``` {.haskell}
qsort [] = []

This shortcut form may be combined with attributes:

```haskell {.numberLines}
qsort [] = []

Which is equivalent to:

``` {.haskell .numberLines}
qsort [] = []

If the fenced_code_attributes extension is disabled, but input contains class attribute(s) for the code block, the first class attribute will be printed after the opening fence as a bare word.

To prevent all highlighting, use the --no-highlight flag. To set the highlighting style, use --highlight-style. For more information on highlighting, see Syntax highlighting, below.