9.2 Specifying a citation style

Citations and references can be formatted using any style supported by the Citation Style Language, listed in the Zotero Style Repository. These files are specified using the --csl option or the csl (or citation-style) metadata field. By default, pandoc will use the Chicago Manual of Style author-date format. (You can override this default by copying a CSL style of your choice to default.csl in your user data directory.) The CSL project provides further information on finding and editing styles.

The --citation-abbreviations option (or the citation-abbreviations metadata field) may be used to specify a JSON file containing abbreviations of journals that should be used in formatted bibliographies when form="short" is specified. The format of the file can be illustrated with an example:

{ "default": {
    "container-title": {
            "Lloyd's Law Reports": "Lloyd's Rep",
            "Estates Gazette": "EG",
            "Scots Law Times": "SLT"