8.13 Math

8.13.1 Extension: tex_math_dollars

Anything between two $ characters will be treated as TeX math. The opening $ must have a non-space character immediately to its right, while the closing $ must have a non-space character immediately to its left, and must not be followed immediately by a digit. Thus, $20,000 and $30,000 won’t parse as math. If for some reason you need to enclose text in literal $ characters, backslash-escape them and they won’t be treated as math delimiters.

For display math, use $$ delimiters. (In this case, the delimiters may be separated from the formula by whitespace. However, there can be no blank lines between the opening and closing $$ delimiters.)

TeX math will be printed in all output formats. How it is rendered depends on the output format:

It will appear verbatim surrounded by \(...\) (for inline math) or \[...\] (for display math).
Markdown, Emacs Org mode, ConTeXt, ZimWiki
It will appear verbatim surrounded by $...$ (for inline math) or $$...$$ (for display math).
It will appear verbatim surrounded by {{formula}}..{{/formula}}.
It will be rendered using an interpreted text role :math:.
For AsciiDoc output format (-t asciidoc) it will appear verbatim surrounded by latexmath:[$...$] (for inline math) or [latexmath]++++\[...\]+++ (for display math). For AsciiDoctor output format (-t asciidoctor) the LaTeX delimiters ($..$ and \[..\]) are omitted.
It will be rendered inside a @math command.
roff man, Jira markup
It will be rendered verbatim without $’s.
MediaWiki, DokuWiki
It will be rendered inside <math> tags.
It will be rendered inside <span class="math"> tags.
RTF, OpenDocument
It will be rendered, if possible, using Unicode characters, and will otherwise appear verbatim.
It will be rendered, if possible, using MathML.
If the --mathml flag is used, it will be rendered using MathML in an inlineequation or informalequation tag. Otherwise it will be rendered, if possible, using Unicode characters.
Docx and PowerPoint
It will be rendered using OMML math markup.
If the --webtex option is used, formulas are rendered as images using CodeCogs or other compatible web service, downloaded and embedded in the e-book. Otherwise, they will appear verbatim.
HTML, Slidy, DZSlides, S5, EPUB
The way math is rendered in HTML will depend on the command-line options selected. Therefore see Math rendering in HTML above.