8.18 Divs and Spans

Using the native_divs and native_spans extensions (see above), HTML syntax can be used as part of markdown to create native Div and Span elements in the pandoc AST (as opposed to raw HTML). However, there is also nicer syntax available:

8.18.1 Extension: fenced_divs

Allow special fenced syntax for native Div blocks. A Div starts with a fence containing at least three consecutive colons plus some attributes. The attributes may optionally be followed by another string of consecutive colons. The attribute syntax is exactly as in fenced code blocks (see Extension: fenced_code_attributes). As with fenced code blocks, one can use either attributes in curly braces or a single unbraced word, which will be treated as a class name. The Div ends with another line containing a string of at least three consecutive colons. The fenced Div should be separated by blank lines from preceding and following blocks.


::::: {#special .sidebar}
Here is a paragraph.

And another.

Fenced divs can be nested. Opening fences are distinguished because they must have attributes:

::: Warning ::::::
This is a warning.

::: Danger
This is a warning within a warning.

Fences without attributes are always closing fences. Unlike with fenced code blocks, the number of colons in the closing fence need not match the number in the opening fence. However, it can be helpful for visual clarity to use fences of different lengths to distinguish nested divs from their parents.

8.18.2 Extension: bracketed_spans

A bracketed sequence of inlines, as one would use to begin a link, will be treated as a Span with attributes if it is followed immediately by attributes:

[This is *some text*]{.class key="val"}